City & Venue Search

Yamagata Sake Museum and Yukemuri Bar Tsumami

Yamagata Sake Museum and Yukemuri Bar Tsumami

While the menu at the Yamagata Sake Museum lists sake from 49 breweries in Yamagata prefecture, the Yukemuri Bar Tsumami offers a great selection of local Yamagata food. These are hot spots to visit during a stroll in the hot spring town of Zao Onsen and enjoy learning and discovering new tastes.

Seating Capacity (Banquets)
Area(m2 Wi-Fi


40 100 212 Free
*Capacity might be reduced as part of anti-COVID19 measures. Please confirm them beforehand.
Directions ・Sendai Air Port (Bus 120min / Car 90min)
・JRYamagata Station (Bus 40min)
・Zao Onsen bus terminal (On foot 10min)
Indoor/Outdoor/Outside (With roof) No-Smorking
Accessibility ×
Elevator ×

Contact Information

Kanko Sozo Factory co., Ltd

Additional Venue in Yamagata